Okay, after testing some Next.js themese on github and deploy them on Vercel, I decided to test super.so service
nice, minimal but extremely pricey and limited
I dont need lots of feature, only a custom domain is enough to deploy this platform to life.alerezaa.ir instead of mylife.super.site
And, as an Iranian, I cant pay the price because of payment systems and limitations (and honestly, 12$ per month for a custom domain is much 😊)
So, what I did?
Using Cloudflare Workers as a reverse proxy to mylife.super.site
const targetHost = "mylife.super.site"; addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { let url = new URL(event.request.url); url.hostname = targetHost; let request = new Request(url, event.request); event.respondWith(fetch(request)); });
EZ 🙂